The origins of the pond
In antiquity
A garden is a place reserved for man, where nature, plants, water and animals are arranged in such a way as to serve the pleasure of man.. Its existence presupposes the use, by man, of knowledge and techniques capable of obtaining a luxuriance that is not always spontaneously granted by nature. The garden was born, probably in Mesopotamia, more than 3000 years ago, when the acclimatization of the palm allowed to create green areas, to limit evaporation, to maintain a more or less constant humidity and consequently to ensure the survival of fragile plants. . The name of Babylon recalls the hanging gardens, built on terraces according to a technique revealed to us by archaeologists. Overlapping floors constituted as many walks shaded by the Palms. The ground was insulated from the floor with lead sheets. It is in Egypt that the water garden was really born. Like all the agriculture of this country, even the gardens are a “gift of the Nile”: in their tanks fish, water birds and plants such as the papyrus , the lotus , the water lilies lived freely ; all that fauna and flora that was encountered in the wetlands along the Nile. Papyrus is considered to be one of the oldest plants known to man. Vehicle of thought, it was used to build scrolls used for writing.
The Moorish garden
The origin of the Moorish gardens seems to date back to the Persian Empire where the fountains, the canals and the luxuriant green of the gardens of Ciro II “the Great”, already evoked the paradise garden described by the Prophet. People of nomads, the Arabs probably found comfort and hope in the promise of a paradise garden located in the afterlife. This vision of oriental paradise, as the sacred texts describe it, could only influence the art of gardens: it imposed an aesthetic that resulted in the search for purity and perfection, which is best expressed in the form of abstract symbols and motifs geometric. Introduced in northern Africa and in Andalusia at the end of the 9th century, after Christ, the Muslim garden enclosed within the houses, creates a private universe, where everyone can enjoy the pleasures promised in eternal life. The high walls that surround it preserve the intimacy dear to the Muslim sensibility and indispensable to any place destined for the pleasure of the senses and the spirit and create silence where you can listen to the music of the water. The absolutely geometric patio garden is divided into four squares representing the four parts of the universe , separated by the four rivers of life. At their intersection, in the center of the garden, there is an ornamental fountain. The sensuality of the water games, the luxuriant variety of plants and flowers is the result of a mastery in the irrigation technique, of unique knowledge and skills as evidenced by the gardens of the Alhambra in Granada built in the thirteenth century.
The Japanese garden
Another thousand-year-old shrine of the water garden is Japan. The origin of the Japanese garden is generally posed in China , and everything leads us to believe that it was introduced during the second half of the sixth century after Christ. A place of recollection and meditation, the Japanese garden is above all a calm and peaceful place where water, always present, is the basic element around which the oriental spirit has been able to create an idyllic place for the soul. Due to its setting, the Japanese garden recalls the deep bond of every Japanese with his country; the multiple islands that make up Japan are represented by single or grouped rocks and, in many gardens, these are surrounded by water symbolically represented by sand or gravel. In Zen Buddhist philosophy, gardens must express the union between man and nature. Everything is symbolic. So that the trees represent eternity or long life, the bamboos are a sign of strength, the first plum blossoms symbolize courage, the intermittent waterfalls represent life that is extinguished and then reborn, the rocks are the backbone of the earth. The list of these symbols, elementary for every Japanese, makes us understand the immense difference of thought that exists with respect to us. Contrary to the Western spirit that tries to dominate nature by domesticating it to the point of distorting it, for the Japanese nature is the basis and sum of everything, and man occupies a place in her womb. When he goes to his garden, the Japanese ventures like an explorer to discover the foundation of things, he searches for the mysteries of creation, of life, of sensations; takes off his shoes.
The typical elements of the Japanese garden are:
The stone steps or fords
This variant of the Japanese land pass follows strict rules that should not be overlooked, because if on land you can afford to “miss” a step, on the water, it is better not to do so. The average length of a stride is 65 cm. However, Japanese gardeners, not content with imagining this walk on the water on a regular basis, have tried to make the progression unpredictable by modifying the gaps between the steps according to their surface. The rule used could be expressed as follows: the larger the surface of the slabs, the more the waste is reduced; and on the other hand, the smaller the surface of the slabs is, the more the waste is important. This ingenious principle imposes a certain pace on the march, thus creating places with fast passage and others with slow passage. With the same system, the height of the plates placed in the water also vary. Such differences in height will accentuate feelings of insecurity or confidence, calm or impetuousness, speed or slowness. It should be remembered that the enemies of the Japanese landscape painter are precisely monotony and boredom due to uniformity.
The bridges
Sitting on the edge of the pond or better still crossing it by passing over the water arouses a pleasure full of romanticism. A bridge connects one shore to the other and its size must be proportionate to that of the pond ; moreover it must integrate in a discreet and harmonious way without dominating everything that surrounds it. It offers the advantage of a unique vantage point: from above it is possible to discover aquatic life from another angle of view.
The stone sink
In most cases, these are carved rocks that have a cavity filled with water . It is an intimate place where the walker will find peace and quiet.
The stone lanterns
They are well known stone sculptures. They are absolutely indispensable for creating a Japanese environment; their forms contribute to their function as a symbol. Placed at the tip of a rocky spur , they symbolize the lighthouse that announces danger to fishermen. Instead, hidden in the bushes, they will evoke an old forgotten temple, invaded by moss.
The “dandelion”
It is the most typical element of the Japanese garden. This little bamboo luminaire fills up rhythmically with the passage of water . Each time it empties, it causes a hoarse noise that symbolically resembles the lion’s roar. Its use allows a better perception of silence due to the sudden irruption of rumbling sounds at irregular intervals.
Song of the wind
The Japanese garden, the philosophical garden par excellence, makes us discover the simple things of nature by reminding us that the breath of the wind, the bearer of poetry, belongs only to him. These small very decorative music boxes, called “wind song” will start moving when a light breeze arrives and will improvise, in silence, a discreet and melodious music. They can be found made of bamboo, metal, or alabaster .
The current garden
Since the end of the twentieth century, the development of urbanization areas has tended to destroy the relationships that once united mankind to nature. Modern man increasingly has the need to get closer, trying to preserve it, to his natural environment. The stressful life of the large, polluted and overpopulated modern cities ends up generating a new desire for union with this original nature to which we owe our existence. The concept of naturalistic garden favors the appearance of a new style of free and informal garden, representation of an idealized nature. This style is also suitable for even modest dimensions and often develops around a body of water. This frame corresponds to the image that man would now like to project of himself, thus affirming his will to participate positively in creation. In this resting place, sheltered from the ravages of the modern world, the individual can come into contact with a nature whose beauty and immutable laws are a constant source of inspiration and enrichment.
The water garden: a dream, a challenge, a discovery
A pond must fit harmoniously into the garden. We choose the shape and the materials keeping this rule in mind. It is important to have a clear idea of what you want to do. The construction of a pond involves important works, once finished it is difficult to back down and it is extremely tiring and expensive to change the project during construction. You want to create a pond for Japanese carp or an aquatic garden full of plants and flowers, you prefer a mini pond to be installed outside the front door or a bio-lake large enough to use it for a bathroom. Everything is possible as long as you carry out a well-studied project. Before starting, let’s calmly develop the starting idea. We visit a nursery that has already set up ponds, observe what we like and what we dislike, telephone water garden specialists and consult books. It is necessary to have a precise and personal idea of the project. The more a water garden integrates harmoniously with its surroundings, the more the desired effect is achieved and the more it has the opportunity to express all its potential.
To simplify, we can classify ponds into two broad categories: geometric ponds and natural ponds.
- Geometric ponds : they can be round, square, rectangular or hexagonal. They are more suitable for well built, well structured gardens and will be built near the house, near or on terraces or at the intersection of two avenues. Their classic appearance requires an understated surrounding and few aquatic plants. A few water lilies bring a touch of color and water features are welcome.
- Natural ponds : natural forms are nowadays more sought after because they integrate more easily into a garden. Rich in aquatic plants and marsh plants, they create a more intimate contact with nature. Waterfalls and streams find their natural environment in this context.
The pond needs at least six hours of sunshine a day. Light and heat act directly on aquatic life. We therefore avoid places that are too shady. Trees that grow near ponds can be aesthetically pleasing to look at, but beware of the leaves that fall in the fall. The decomposition of an excessive quantity of vegetable organic substance causes pollution that will be difficult to dispose of. Their accumulation on the bottom will cause the formation of gases dangerous for aquatic life by fermentation. In case we have no other place, to build the pond, we adopt the system of covering the pond with a net in the autumn near a large tree. The shape must be guided by our personal taste. The more indentations are created, the more the illusion of a natural environment is created. We avoid, however, too complicated shapes that will cause difficulties when waterproofing . To achieve a pleasing visual impact, the ratio between length and width should be two thirds or three fifths. Depth greatly affects biological processes. The fish need a depth of 60-80 centimeters . The resulting volume of water would have sufficient thermal inertia to mitigate the dangerous effects of an abrupt change in temperature. In summer the fish find cooler and better oxygenated water. In winter they are protected by the ice that forms on the surface. We avoid depths greater than one meter which would prevent adequate heating of the water in the spring.
Choice of materials to build the pond
Whatever the shape of the pond, the materials chosen must guarantee perfect and lasting waterproofing to allow us to enjoy our water garden for a long time.
Currently there are numerous materials that make it possible to make a pond. Some are inexpensive and easy to use, others are more expensive but more durable. How to choose the most suitable? Let’s analyze them all. The trace of our pond will depend on the shape we have chosen. The geometric ponds will be traced with the help of pegs placed in the corners and connected to each other with the help of a string in order to visualize the final shape. To draw a circle, a stake is fixed in the center of the future pond and with the help of a string tied to this stake the circumference is marked. Natural shapes can be drawn by pulling a fairly long rope. A whole series of poles will be placed along the perimeter that will be used to check the “leveling” of the pond.
The PVC sheet
There is nothing more disarming, after having carried out the excavation with great difficulty, than realizing that you have purchased a sheet that is too small. To avoid these inconveniences, we pay attention to these few precautions:
- To the maximum length of the pond we add twice the maximum depth and again two times fifty centimeters . We also do this for the width. Example: if the size of the pond is five meters by three and a half meters with a depth of sixty centimeters, the development of the sheet will be m. 5 + 0.60 + 0.60 + 0.50 + 0.50 = 7.20 m (for the length) and of m. 3.50 + 0.60 + 0.60 + 0.50 + 0.50 = m. 5.70 (for the width). From here it is possible to obtain the total development 7.20m x 5.70m = 41.00 square meters.
- Once the excavation has been completed, it is necessary to cover the bottom with a few centimeters of sand and the walls with jute bags to protect the cloth from any stones that could pierce it. On the market it is possible to find a light but very resistant synthetic material called geotextile to be interposed between the earth and the sheet.
- Once the cloth has been laid, fill the bottom with ten centimeters of water to make it adhere perfectly to the earth and thus eliminate all air bubbles. We introduce about ten centimeters of gravel necessary for the establishment of bacterial colonies useful in the future to favor the decomposition into mineral salts of the leaves that will rot and of the waste products of the fish.
- Bring the water in the pond to level and while it rises the cloth must be spread to avoid creases; keep in mind that the folds are not dangerous but they are ugly to look at.
- Finally, the excess sheet is cut and the edge is masked with gravel , earth, stones or jute . This area must then be planted with many ground cover plants useful for permanently masking any imperfections .
- The thickness of the sheet is independent of the size of the pond but depends on the quality of the soil. If this is stony in addition to the geotextile we choose a sheet of one millimeter thick. In the presence of sandy or clayey soil, the half-millimeter sheet is more than enough.
The prefabricated pond
Prefabricated ponds are the simplest to install. The only heavy work to be done is the excavation which must have the same shape as the pond . Excess in the excavation by at least ten or fifteen centimeters . On the bottom spread five centimeters of sand and with an air bubble we check that it is horizontal. The prefabricated ponds are built in two particular materials: rigid PVC and fiberglass .
- Rigid PVC : sturdy, durable UV resistant is normally black in color.
- FIBERGLASS : equally robust and resistant, it can be found in various colors that imitate the color of the earth, integrating well with the rest of the garden.
The advantages of prefabricated buildings are the speed and simplicity of installation and solidity. The disadvantages , on the other hand, are limited shapes and sizes, walls that are too steep and difficult to hide, terraces for marsh plants that are too narrow.
Concrete pond
If well done it is extremely long-lasting but still a difficult technique to implement. If you want to try your hand at building a small concrete pond, use a cement of the type 400 Kg./m3, mixing a waterproofing product in the measure of five percent. Use two wheelbarrows of sand and two wheelbarrows of gravel for each fifty-pound bag of concrete. Lime must absolutely not be used . For an area of twenty or thirty square meters, the walls must have a thickness of fifteen centimeters. The use of iron bars will help to stiffen the structure. Before applying water, you must wait at least twenty days for the concrete to dry well. A vigorous brushing and more rinsing will eliminate most of the toxic residues. The advantages of this material are solidity and longevity. The drawbacks are the high cost, a long preparation work in having to reinforce the walls to support the fresh concrete, risk of cracking in case of frost.
Fiberglass pond
To build a fiberglass pond you have to adopt a very complex technique that requires the help of a professional . Fiberglass has a mechanical resistance to deformation three hundred times higher than that of concrete. It comes in the form of a thick liquid to which a catalyst is added which has the task of making it harden in contact with air. It must be distributed with a brush or a spray injector on glass wool sheets placed directly on the walls of the excavation. The more layers of glass wool and resin the more the resistance and solidity of the pond increases. This technique can also be used to waterproof a cracked concrete pond. The advantages is its resistance that makes it invulnerable to plant roots, its adaptability to excavation and its easy repairability. The disadvantages are the high cost and the absolute need for a professional.
The bentonite pond
The waterproofing technique with bentonite (a kind of clay) is very simple but little used and allows the creation of large ponds with a very natural appearance. It comes in the form of bricks that need to be arranged close together like a puzzle. Once both the bottom and the walls have been coated (which must be very soft), a vibrating hammer must be used to crush these bricks making them adhere to each other. With the introduction of water, the smallest interstices will be closed thanks to the property that this material has to increase in volume upon contact with water. The advantages are the ease of construction, good waterproofing and a very natural look. The disadvantages are the vulnerability to root attacks and the loss of impermeability due to the drying of the material as the water level drops (level control systems must therefore be adopted).
Prefabricated ponds and concrete ponds can be equipped with an overflow system that allows to avoid in case of heavy rain that the pond overflows in unwanted points or allows the water to drain when you want to provide for a small water change. . The water through the overflow can be discharged to an area adjacent to the pond which will be planted with moisture-loving essences or it can be conveyed directly into a drain pipe towards the sewer system.
Waterfalls and water games
The musical sound of a waterfall brings an extra touch to an aquatic garden, it is pleasing to the ears and eyes; creates a feeling of freshness that immediately makes you think of water. In addition to the aesthetic factor , the movement of water is also beneficial for the pond, because it actively participates in its oxygenation. The gases released by the decomposition of waste, the depletion of the oxygen content, during periods of extreme heat, constitute a potential danger for aquatic fauna. For this oxygenation to be truly effective, the system must work seven days a week and 24 hours a day. Ideally, you should be able to take advantage of the natural slope of a garden. However, a waterfall can also be built on flat ground, as long as a small hill is raised on the side of the pool. The planning of this phase is quite delicate and numerous problems in creating water gardens arise from an ill-conceived waterfall. Newbies will have an advantage in using prefabricated elements, easier to install and certainly waterproof. Whether using a natural or artificial slope, carrying out a cascade passes from the execution of several communicating levels. All the materials described for the construction of a pond can be used to make a stream or a waterfall, such as cloth, concrete, fiberglass; however the PVC sheet proved to be the most flexible material in adapting to all the fantasies of the course. After tracing the shape, you start digging to a depth of twenty-thirty centimeters, modeling the earth to form steps and small ponds; using a horizontal board will help reinforce the end of each fall. Before laying the sheet it is useful to cover the excavation with a felt geotextile to protect the sheet from the roughness of the ground. The banks and the bed of the waterfall are then covered with rocks or pebbles, avoiding limestone materials. Mixing pebbles of different sizes allows you to obtain the most natural result possible. If there were very large rocks it would be necessary to interpose further protection between these and the PVC sheet. The pools of water that make up the waterfall must have a slight inclination. The last must have a stone slab overflowing above the tub. The impermeability must be total like that of the pond. This ladder technique allows you to slow down the sliding speed and thus reduce noise. The algae that will not fail to colonize the waterfall will further attenuate the murmur over time. The supply of the watercourse is ensured by a If there were very large rocks it would be necessary to interpose further protection between these and the PVC sheet. The pools of water that make up the waterfall must have a slight inclination. The last must have a stone slab overflowing above the tub. The impermeability must be total like that of the pond. This ladder technique allows you to slow down the sliding speed and thus reduce noise. The algae that will not fail to colonize the waterfall will further attenuate the murmur over time. The supply of the watercourse is ensured by a If there were very large rocks it would be necessary to interpose further protection between these and the PVC sheet. The pools of water that make up the waterfall must have a slight inclination. The last must have a stone slab overflowing above the tub. The impermeability must be total like that of the pond. This ladder technique allows you to slow down the sliding speed and thus reduce noise. The algae that will not fail to colonize the waterfall will further attenuate the murmur over time. The supply of the watercourse is ensured by a The last must have a stone slab overflowing above the tub. The impermeability must be total like that of the pond. This ladder technique allows you to slow down the sliding speed and thus reduce noise. The algae that will not fail to colonize the waterfall will further attenuate the murmur over time. The supply of the watercourse is ensured by a The last must have a stone slab overflowing above the tub. The impermeability must be total like that of the pond. This ladder technique allows you to slow down the sliding speed and thus reduce noise. The algae that will not fail to colonize the waterfall will further attenuate the murmur over time. The supply of the watercourse is ensured by a centrifugal pump. Nowadays these pumps have reached an increasingly reliable and safe technology; on the market there are numerous models of various manufacturers. The water must be withdrawn if possible in the deepest part of the pond and through a rubber tube, previously buried, brought to the beginning of the stream or waterfall. The outlet must be as natural as possible like a real water source. Using a pipe of a certain diameter (25 mm in diameter) you have a good flow of water at the outlet. The width of the watercourse is determined by the flow rate of the return pump. To obtain a pleasant visual result, 400 L / h of flow rate must be provided for every 2.5 cm of width. For example, a 5000 l / h pump gives sufficient flow for a 30 cm waterfall. wide.
It is necessary to prevent water, along the entire route, from sneaking out of the route that has been defined, to prevent the field from being flooded and thousands of liters from being lost. Waterproofing is therefore essential. The most critical area is the conjunction between the waterfall and the pool. To avoid any risk of escape, it is preferable to conceive the whole project in the same phase and to use a single piece of cloth for the waterfall and the pool. If this is not the case, the curtain of the waterfall must overlap that of the tub. At the origin of the waterfall, the exit point of the water must be carefully studied, to get as close as possible to the shape of a natural spring. The water is discharged into a first tank of 20 – 50 liters, imitating a collection pond and circulates in a closed circuit between the source and the mouth.
On a land with a gentle slope it is possible to plan a stream . After tracing the path, you begin to dig a furrow, sufficiently wide and deep so that it is not clogged by the fall of the first leaves in autumn. A little sand is distributed to level the roughness, the geotextile is laid and then the sheet. The ensemble is camouflaged with flat stones, pebbles and plants. To look natural, the stream bed must meander and not be straight. The size of the stream must be in harmony with the size of the garden. For a more natural look, some meanders must be foreseen. An average width of 50 cm. allows to obtain a harmonious and functional result. The length must be calculated on the basis of 1.5 m. per m3 of water in the tank. The depth will not be uniform but will show variations around an average value of 25 cm. Some plants placed along the course here and there allow you to play on the width of the bed and the flow of water. Those with ambition and large spaces can create two or more lakes of various sizes and depths joined together with more or less long streams. At the other extreme, small garden owners can enjoy the relaxing effects of a gentle lapping using a small bamboo waterfall. In this case, the water fills a bamboo tube fixed on a plank that overturns and dumps its contents into the tub when full. This almost continuous movement is ensured by a pump.
Not being able to create a stream, it is possible to oxygenate the pond with the help of a jet of water. This accessory also allows you to create a surface current that brings floating particles back to the banks, facilitating their collection with a landing net . The whole works with the help of a simple pump immersed and its different accessories are enough to animate the water surface. These accessories must be removed before winter to prevent them from being damaged by frost. Using a pump with a filter prevents impurities and algae from blocking the outlet of the jets. The different models available on the market allow you to vary the games: volcano, foam, bell and spray. To prevent water from watering the banks, the device must be installed at a minimum distance from the shore equivalent to the height of the gush. Also it should be remembered that water lilies do not like to be sprayed constantly. The film of water, produced by the splashes of the jets on the leaves, it would close the leaf stomata (microscopic pores present on the aerial parts of the plant that allow gas exchanges between the plant and the atmosphere) preventing the plant from breathing and causing asphyxiation. In this case the gush will have to be weak or be placed far enough away.